Saturday, 30 March 2019

Why are dengue so dangerous?

Why are dengue so dangerous?

Half a million patients are hospitalized each year, but most people recover after two to seven days. Some develop dengue hemorrhagic fever after the initial fever declines — a more severe form of the illness that can cause organ damage, severe bleeding, dehydration and even death. But with early treatment, the mortality rate for all dengue fever is currently fewer than 1 of 100 people.

Dengue is extremely dangerous! Base on the Worlds Health Organization (WHO) There are 390 million dengue infections per year! Mean while base on the World Mosquito Program,Dengue cause approximately 25,000 deaths annually worldwide.What makes these small mosquitoes so dangerous?The answer? Their fast Reproduction cycle.
A Mosquitoes life Cycle

A Fast Breeder
The mosquitoes can breed really,REALLY fast, an mosquito egg need only 7 days to turn into a fully grown mosquitoes.They are 4 stage to a mosquitoes life cycle,starting with egg, larva, pupa and ultimately adult.The main problem we are facing to eradicate the virus is the shear volume of the creature, if a infected mosquitoes laid eggs, they can lay up to 100 to 200 eggs at once, if all of those eggs hatch, they will be 100 to 200 mosquitoes that are infected by dengue,and the cycle carries on, infecting more and more people while increasing the number of infected mosquitoes at the same time!

-More than 100 eggs laid at once by just a mosquito!!!

This means getting rid of all the infected mosquitoes is impossible, the best that we can do is to get rid of them during their pupa stage!
Mosquitoes need calm, clear water to laid their eggs in, and these places are easy to find in our surrounding !

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